FootPrints School is a special needs school with a difference.
We are a registered LSEN Preparatory School, GDE Reg: 700400348, and
can accommodate a maximum of 59 pupils ranging in age from 4 years
turning 5 years to 18 years of age. We do not work in Grades as our
pupils levels differ in each subject. We have a separate premises for
our Junior and Senior phase. Our children have varied “labels”
that have been attached to them by outside sources.
The staff at out school are very passionate about giving all out
children opportunities to be able to contribute to society in their
own unique way. We believe that is child is able and valuable with
much to offer to the world.
Our children have been rejected by both government and private schools
because of theor labels. Currently our pupil ‘labels’ are cerebral
palsy. hearing impaired, asbergers, autistic, burn victim, near
drowning victim, severe speech impediments, visually impaired,
learning difficulties, ADD, ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder and
severe epileptic etc.
We take time to work out who they are and what their method of
learning is.
Maximum 10 children per class
Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic teaching techniques
Audiblox Therapy
Water Therapy (In Summer Months)
We have replaced the reading laboratory with a dedicated physical
education teacher
Interactive white board teaching – keeping up with technology
Makaton & Tiny Handz sign language
PECS – picture exchange communication
We use tablet technology with every pupil